Week #52 of 52: Last Stop: Pottery with a Pleasant Surprise!
Moms, it’s my last week. I have mixed emotions. On one hand I feel relieved to not be committed to a weekly blog post, but on the other hand I feel kind of sad. No matter how big or small the following, this journey required me to step outside of my comfort zone in so many ways (like I still get a little nervous posting on social media). It required me to be intentional about my self care even on weeks when I wasn’t feeling that great or just simply dead dog tired. The year went by so fast. I had some amazing experiences but I also had so much more that I did not get to do. This blog and its visible and invisible community of followers became my accountability partners. I worry that without it my self care will go back to taking a backseat. On the other hand, taking a moment each week to just focus on me is so ingrained in my DNA, I can’t see me going back to weeks passing without any focus on my self care.
Week #52 just happened to fall on spring break week. For many moms, that would mean the elimination of any possibility of a mommy break because the kids are out of school and constantly with you. That could have been my story but thanks to some planning the week ahead I made sure we came home in time from the Dells to have that mommy break and not conflict with the NCAA Final Four games (my husband’s highlight of the week for a “daddy break"). This week’s mommy break was dropping in during open hours at a pottery studio and drinks with friends. Leading up to the pottery class, I was feeling a little tentative on the choice because I was calling the studio to confirm their availability and no one was answering. So after treating myself to lunch at HoneyGrow (the kids were at a day camp), I decided to drive over anyway. Upon arriving to the location, I could not find the front entrance! I drove around for about 15 minutes. I was so about to turnaround and call it a fail but I decided to check out a one way street and thank goodness it lead my right in front entrance. I walk in the door and there is a MOM there who wanted to join me on my last mommy break. I was so ecstatic to see her smiling face. I was so grateful that it was important enough for her to show up for my last official mommy break. In that very moment, I was so thankful that I was persistent in getting to that class (albeit 30 minutes past my planned time). We both embarked on our first pottery journey and although initially frustrating for both of us, we found our groove with it (sort of) and had a great time. After spending about 90 minutes at failed attempts at a rosebud vase, I left feeling like I have discovered a new hobby that I wan to explore more. It was fun and you should definitely check it out.
The messy but fun beginning...
My Surprise Guest... Elizabeth
While picking up dinner for the kids, I had this unsettling feeling that I needed to end my last day on the Mommy Break Project journey with a bang, so I called some friends and found two moms willing and able to meet me for an impromptu cocktail. Now in full disclosure, there was an hour or so that passed between the initial invitation and actually leaving and I was sooooo close to saying… never mind, I am being overzealous, I am going to stay inside and go to bed. Instead I pushed through and the three of us hopped into an uber and headed to a great bar with great music that specializes in alcoholic punches. Even though we made it an early evening, we all had a great time!
Our punches... DELICIOUS!
A couple of mommy friends who joined me on my last minute escape! Great company... great drinks!
So my friends, that’s it for chronicling my weekly journey! My simple hope is that it left you feeling a little bit more inspired to be intentional about your self care and gave you a ton of ideas on different experiences you can take! If I just inspired one mom to have more regular mommy breaks, I will call that a success! This is not the end of the Mommy Break Project. A new chapter is starting in just a few short weeks. Stay tuned! Thank you for your support!