Week #50 of 52: Repairing the "Breach" in My "Me Time"
Moms, my journey is about to come to an end. I only have two weeks left for this Mommy Break journey. A year ago I recognized that there was a "breach" on my me time, and I have been focused on repairing the breach over this last year ! This week I had another book ending opportunity. On Sunday, one of my girlfriends joined me to go see the play Breach with one of my girlfriends and I ended the week with a quick but much needed weekend getaway to Atlanta to visit one of my besties!
I love plays? Don't you? They are one of the most fulfilling mommy breaks you can take because they are affordable, easy to enjoy with a friend, and they usually have a small bar and snacks to enjoy. I love them especially when they take place in intimate theaters. Breach was about a young African American woman recovering from self hate. She was in an interracial relationship not being true to who she was but also portrayed a self hate for her own race through bashing and looking down on African American men. Doubting that an African American man could give her the love and be the man that she needed to be. She felt like she was in a race all by herself from a career and relationship perspective. Fast forward to the end, she embraced her new chapter called motherhood resulting from an unexpected pregnancy by her African American co-worker, and a new role at work recognizing her talents. The play left me cheering for her in the end because she let go of the false pretense of who she thought she needed to be; said goodbye to the interracial relationship that did not allow her to be who she truly was and the pretentiousness that came with it . Very well written and delivered play!
Me and my girlfriend at the play!
Leading up to the departure of the play, I had my normal busy Sunday and actually felt angst that I truly was trying to do too much that day. I was late getting to church to support the girl scout cookie booth, so my daughter was only able to "sell" for 15 minutes. Ran over to swim lessons, stopped at Whole Foods to finish grocery shopping, came home and cooked lunch. I did all of this by 12:30/1:00PM. A dear friend invited me to the launch of a philanthropic circle, so I wanted to support that before leaving for the play. I walk in from the grocery store and my husband is dressed and ready to walk out the door. He announced that since I was going to the play, and he would be with the kids for the afternoon, he was going to get some fresh air before I had to leave and go to Costco. I explained to him that I actually had an event to attend prior to the play but he was not budging since he only knew about the play. Moms, this could have gone south VERY quickly, but you know what... I used some "wife wisdom" (which unfortunately rarely occurs) and backed down and asked if he could just come back in time for me to leave for the play. Deep down, I secretly felt very relieved. I was trying to pile too much on and setting myself up for a very busy and rough Sunday evening. I actually thanked him when he returned for slowing me down a little bit. I was fifteen minutes late for the play but that didn't matter. I was out of the house and had a much needed opportunity to EXHALE!
I ended the week taking a weekend trip to visit one of my besties! We enjoyed great food, great cocktails, yoga, and mani pedis. It was a great opportunity to take a moment to reconnect since she lives out of state and get some much needed rest and relaxation! I truly appreciate that neither of us feel the need to shut the club down anymore. Sleeping in for 2 mornings was exactly what my body needed. I need more 7 hours of sleep nights in my life... STAT! I went home feeling brand new and just in time to set us up for a good start to the week.
Me and one of my besties... we were hair twins :)