Week #40 of 52: Mom - Embrace Your Greatness!
Hey Moms: Before I give a recap of my mommy breaks for the week, I wanted to take a moment to share something that has been on my heart that I have really been present to. 2017 was BANANAS for me regarding my career. I received the highest performance rating possible, was nominated and selected for a transformational individual gold award, offered a co-teaching adjunct faculty position, and the icing on the cake: being promoted to Sr. Director in December. I have worked at my employer for 13.5 years, often seeing many of my peers pass me by as it relates to career velocity. I often had a “why not me” mindset every time it happened not necessarily acknowledging that I was just going through the motions with my own career versus determining what I truly had an interest and passion in. Then in fall of 2015, I ran into a mentor who shared information about the current opportunity I have. Little did I know was that that conversation and my decision to take action and apply for the role would completely change the trajectory of my career. Today at church, my pastor referenced the concept of synchronicity where God is always working in the background ordering our steps and knowing the plan the was already made. I believe in that fully as it relates to my career. My 11 years in random roles always looking for the next promotion was ultimately preparing me for this role which is truly my dream job. It marries my strengths and passions in a way I didn’t even know was possible. When I was informed that I was being promoted to Sr. Director I was definitely excited but I had a moment where I wondered… “Do I deserve this?” “Will my co-workers and other colleagues believe that I deserved it?” When I shared this moment of insecurity with a few of my closest friends at work all of them unanimously came just shy of saying “yes, fool! Do you not realize how hard you have been working? You, better celebrate this promotion”. I have realized over the last couple of days, that I have not been embracing my greatness! Of course I deserve this promotion and whatever other blessings that are coming this way.
As Moms, we wear so many hats, we have so many balls in the air, we don’t take a moment to embrace our greatness. We are super heroes all destined for greatness. Some of us stand in that greatness everyday and some of us are so tired and stressed from day to day mommy duty that it is hard to see your greatness within! In 2018, I not only want you to be intentional in your self care, by taking regular mommy breaks, but I also want you to stand in your greatness everyday no matter what. We owe it to ourselves, our partners/spouses, and most importantly our children, who will benefit the most. Everyday may not be great, but knowing that we are all destined for greatness should be motivation enough to keep going.
Happy New Year Mommies… Let’s Be GREAT!
Mommy Breaks This Week: I got it in if I do say so myself, not really planned (with the exception of spa Day), it just kinda happened that way
Monday: One hour of me time, mind-mapping at Starbucks right before they closed. So worth escaping after being trapped at home all day while my 5YO and 7YO were bouncing off the walls.
Loving my new passion planner! So glad I made myself get up and go!
Tuesday: Spa day with my mommy girlfriends at Spa Space
Leaving spa space relaxed and ready to conquer the week! Thanks for joining me Gene and Regena!!
Saturday: Cocktails and retail therapy after an ignorantly crazy day
Amazing Whiskey Smash from Maude's Liquor Bar