Week #2 - Mommy Break #2 - Knits and Nails
A couple of weeks before my daughter's spring break, my husband announced his intentions of doing a road trip to the Maryland DC area to visit the inlaws. Honestly, I had mixed emotions. On one hand, I was excited that we could sneak away, to a "mini-spring break" and see family despite my children having two separate breaks. But on the other hand, I was seriously wondering if my husband wanted to reincarnate us at the Griswolds, because this was the second year in a row that we would be taking a long road trip for break.
Moms, you know vacationing with kids is different, right? They will be your alarm clocks in the morning. You will still referee sibling rivalry and manage melt downs. The days can be jammed packed. Possibilities to sneak away for "me time" can be slim to none because you want to make sure your you are creating memories for your kids. You sometimes come home needing a vacation from the "vacation".
Anyway, I immediately, started thinking about all of the tactical things that needed to be done to prepare for the trip which included when I would be able to sneak away and take a moment for myself. Priority #1! I shared a friendly Mommy Break Project reminder with my husband on Monday to to ensure his plans would not get in the way with mine. Once I identified that he actually did have plans on Wednesday (when I wanted to take my break), I had to practice flexibility and make a game time decision to do whatever I needed to do to get away on Tuesday since we were leaving on Thursday.
SIDEBAR: Not sure my husband truly gets the magnitude of me doing whatever it takes to get out of the house once week with no accountability or responsibility to him or the kids. But I am sure his epiphanies will come later on in the journey and I can't wait to share.
BACK TO THE PLAN: All I needed was an hour to get away and recharge before we embarked on our spring break which would include about 22 hours in the car over a four day period. (I could feel your sympathy as you read that sentence). I decided the winner would be a quick trip to the yarn store and a manicure. The yarn store may sound odd but I was actually very excited to go. Knitting is a favorite hobby of mine that I have taken a hiatus from. I received the joyful news that three of myfriends are having babies this year and really really want to present each of them with handmade gifts. It sounds like a lot but i have an ongoing issue with overcommitting and putting unnecessary pressure upon myself. Its an affliction I hope to heal myself of by the end of this journey.
Tuesday evening, I came home and my kids could sense my stress and my unrelenting attention focused on him and the kids not being on schedule. That was his impetus to push me out the door as quickly as possible! LOL!
The first stop was one of my favorite yarn stores Yarnify. Immediately upon leaving the yarn store, I went to my favorite local nail salon, OMG Nails, to get a quick manicure which included a shoulder massage! Heaven! I purchased some beautiful yarn that I was excited to knit and I had tried a new spring Zoya color for my nails!
You may not think either sound too special but they weren't mean to be. It provided exactly what I needed to be recharged. A moment away on a Tuesday to end a hectic workday. I returned home to a clean kitchen (#winning) and kids just falling asleep but still awake to start whining for a "Mommy Hug" because they were still awake. Hey! You win some and you lose some!
Mommy Break Lesson Learned: When you know you are about to go into a super busy week or family vacation. Take a moment for yourself.
Mommy Break Tip: All mommy breaks are not equal. Sometimes they can focus on getting something off of your personal to do list and still bring you joy.
Mommy Chore Tip: If possible, make sure your partner/husband/nanny/sitter knows the dinner plan so that if you need to leave ASAP they are equipped to pick up right where you left off.
Week #2 of 52, Mommy Break #2 of 52, I Happy Mommy Excited About the Journey!