Week #27: Mommy Break #27 of 52: he Best Surprises Come In "Bubbly" Packages
Sometimes the best mommy breaks are the ones that you don’t have to plan! This week’s mommy break was a bottomless Mimosa brunch at the Chicago Fremont courtesy of my husband! During a previous Sunday Football marathon him and another husband thought it would be great to treat their wives to brunch. How awesomely considerate!!
CONFESSION: It took me a lonnnngggg time to accept and embrace that I need to not obligate myhusband to ANYTHING on Sunday afternoon and evening during football season. If he chooses to do something other than watch football, I will present options, but other than that I leave him be. Now as generous as that sounds don’t be naive enough to think that he is also absolved of “Daddy Duty”… NOT. Its Sunday football… not Father’s Day (or his birthday). :)
Back to the Mommy Break At Hand…
The catch: a brunch location where they could concurrently take a glimpse at the first game of the Sunday football line up. It didn’t matter that the Sunday they were inspired by the idea me and the other wife were at a brunch together. Who cares about those details It’s the thought that counts right? More importantly not only did they plan it but they made sure they had child care in place as well! It only gets better. Sitter arrives on time, we escape the house with as little of a good bye as possible, jump in the car and drive to the Fremont. When we enter, the music is hot, the breadth and depth of the food stations leave no taste buds behind, donut wall and boozy desert bar to top it off. The icing on top: the most literal interpretation of bottomless mimosa. We only had to drink the mimosa a quarter of the way down before a waitress magically appeared refilling our glasses to the top. To be honest with you, I don’t know how many mimosas I had :)… but I definitely had enough. The music, the food and mimosas, the stylish patrons… for a brief moment… I felt like a Chicago socialite… then quickly realized that this is my infrequent existence 😃
Boozy desserts... delicious
A great motto for life...
Let me pause for a moment and give some additional attention to the fact that this mommy break was brought to you by my husband. Some of you may be thinking… "my husband (partner) does these kinds of things for me every week" (and that’s great for you… but not the normal cadence in my relationship). It's not that my husband does not ever do nice things but in the normal rhythm of life it can be hard to be intentional with doing things special for your spouse when you have job, a home, and a family to maintain. I appreciate that he thought that much of me to say, "no special occasion needed I appreciate all that you do". It also reminded me that when your partner is intentional about the attention they focus on you, it inspires you to reciprocate the same. Although shaking off the bottomless mimosas made for a slow snap back to mommy mode to conquer the remainder of our Sunday afternoon, it was totally worth it. Nagging, whining, “hangry-ness” from my beautiful children… bring it on… I’m good! Until the next mommy break…