Week #29: Mommy Break #29 of 52: Just In the Nick of time
Sometimes mommy breaks cannot be perfectly executed. Sometimes you can’t have a 2 - 3 hour block that is not peppered with to do items from your mommy chore/errand list. Not being able to create the perfect block of time is no reason to not make the mommy break happen. You have to get it in where you can fit it in and keep it moving. That’s what I had to remind myself to make Mommy Break #29 happen. I recall at the beginning of the week being really excited about the prospect of my daughter having a 6 hour field trip with her Daisy Girl Scout troop to the apple orchard. I really wanted the entire day to be on my terms since my husband already had plans for Saturday evening. The icing on top— reconnect with an old friend over wine with kids in bed and sleep. This is how I was initially envisioning my Saturday:
6AM: Join My Running Group for a Quick Run Along the Lakefront
7:30AM: Return Home, Make a Protein Shake and Head to My Swim Lesson
8AM - 9AM: Beginners Swim Lesson at the Y (for another blog post). Girlfriend Drops Off Reese and Her Daughter to Girl Scouts, Husband Takes 4YO to Basketball Lesson
9:30AM - 11:30AM: Grocery Shopping and Pick Up Birthday Party Gifts
11:30 - 12:30PM: Return Home, Put Up Groceries, Make Lunch for the 4YO
1 - 3PM: Retail Therapy at One Of My Favorite Stores (Nordstrom Rack) and a Manicure
3:30PM: Pick Up My Daughter from Field Trip and Catch the Last Hour of a One Year Old’s Birthday Party
4 - 5PM: Birthday Party, Head to Chipotle to Grab Dinner
8PM: Kids Down, Kitchen Clean, Cupcakes and Wine on Deck for 9PM Visit by Girlfriend
Busy… but great plan on my own terms right? Yep, I thought so too. Sometimes the best made plans are the ones that are most susceptible to falling apart.
Husband informs me Thursday that he needs to go to work for a few hours on Saturday morning. (Guess I am grocery shopping with the 4YO). Friday evening girlfriend lets me know her daughter catches 24 hour bug and can’t drop off kids field trip (Guess I am not going to swim lesson — which is a good thing because I was trying to do too much given I ran 4 miles). This is how my Saturday actually played out:
6AM: Joined My Running Group for a Quick Run Along the Lakefront YAY
7:30AM: Returned Home, Showered, Washed Hair
8AM - 9AM: Got Dressed, Made Protein Shake , Dropped off Daughter at Girl Scouts
10AM: Met My Husband at Basketball Practice to Do Hand Off With My Son (only for him to be pulling off and saying “just meet me at the house”—— THANKS)
11:00- 1:30PM Grocery Shopping, Picked Up Cupcakes for To Catch Up With Girlfriend, Went to Toystore with 4YO Pick Up Birthday Party Gifts (I stayed strong.. he only made it out with a pack of Pokemon cards), Rescheduled Manicure Appointment Twice
2PM: Drop Off 4YO, Sweetly Ask Husband to Pick Up Daughter and Meet at Birthday Party for 2nd Hand Off
2:30PM - 4:00PM: Went to Nordstrom Rack to Get Some New Jeans (I needed some really really really bad), Arrive at 3PM Manicure Appointment 10 minutes Late from Insistence of Getting New Jeans for Work from Nordstrom Rack
Running late to the 1 year old party but at least my nails will be cute!
4:15PM: Arrived at Birthday Party for Last 45 Minutes and Enjoy Adult Beverages (#Bonus). Husband Leaves After 15 Minutes to Start His Saturday Plans
5:30PM: Left Party Feeling Exhausted But Determined to Not Cook Dinner, So Head to Chipotle. Share Idle Threats with Children to Be on Good Behavior Until Bedtime, Or If they Didn’t… Nothing Was Going To Happen… (I was too tired).