The Mommy Break Project

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Week #43 of 52: Restaurant Week and Family Date Night

There will be those moments in time, every once in a while, where you will have a ready made mommy break and all you have to do is state your intention to make it happen and go!

For me this week, that was Restaurant Week. I am a closet foodie that loves to eat, cook, go out to eat and try new restaurants.  Unfortunately, older age and slower metabolism make it not something I can over indulge in often.  Restaurant Week makes sometimes price inaccessible restaurants a no brainer to experience during this 2 week period. Last year my husband and I started a goal of planning a date night for each other, alternating who plans it each month. We fell off toward the end of the year but I wanted to kick off 2018 getting us back on schedule. January was my turn.  Initially my girlfriend and I wanted to take our husbands out on a date to the play BLKS but when it was sold out I offered kicking off Restaurant Week.  We ended up at this restaurant called the Kitchen .  The Restaurant Week menu had good variety so Chicago Moms put it on your list!  

So the double date was Friday and Saturday we did a family date night (no I am not counting that as a mommy break but I thought it was a good idea so I had to share! My husband had this idea at the beginning of the year to do a project together activate our creative juices in our right brains.  The project is to complete an abstract painting that we can hang in our house.  I thought it was an awesome idea! Ideally, we would have had a sitter to leisurely go to through the art store and pick our colors.  Unfortunately, that was not the case and it was a family affair.  So we spent the evening in Blick disagreeing on color schemes and refereeing our children fussing over who gets to push the basket.  We ended the evening with dinner at Whole Foods.  Despite it not being ideal, in retrospect, it was fun to enjoy it as a family.  

I can’t believe I have less than 10 weeks left on this Mommy Break Project journey!   I am going to plan something really special for all of my moms to celebrate the journey coming to an end but also new beginnings!