The Mommy Break Project

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My Criteria for a Qualifiable "Mommy Break'

In this year long journey to put myself first and take a mommy break once a week, I am totally expecting that there will be some "fails" where the mommy break can suspiciously look like a good ole regular mommy chore.  I am a perfectly imperfect Mom just like you and life will get in the way.  Sick kids, sick husband/partner, sick mommy... tired Mommy.  All key determinants to if you can make the mommy break happen,  The week could come and go and I miss moment for rejuvenation with no kids.  So to ensure I do not slip in too many "weekly grocery shopping trip" mommy breaks, I have defined some criteria for you to hold me accountable to and to hold yourself accountable to. 

To qualify as an official Mommy Break it must experience the following: 

  • No children (your children) inear shot of the mommy break location
  • Joy in your heart (and a smile on your face) while you are partaking of the break
  • A longing for it not to end 
  • Anticipation and excitement for next week's break
  • Last at least an hour in duration 


Simple enough, right?  I think so too!  Followers, pinky swear that you will help keep me honest!   Let the fun begin!