Mommy Break #1 Week #1 - Pounding It Out
How ironic is it that the first day I try to make a day of/impromptu decision to take a mommy break to kick off The Mommy Break Project, turns out to be one of the most challenging days to get out of the house.
I knew it was going to be a rough post - workday evening when I left work late. Leaving work late caused me to pick up my 4 year old from school late. Once I get to the school he insists on watching the drumline of older students practice for at least 10 minute. This solidifies our late arrival home to get homework and dinner started. Spent extra time on dinner prep because I was not planning ahead to do it the night before. Husband and 6 year old walk in the door. Dinner is not anywhere near done. Homework has not been started after at least 20 minutes of everyone being in the house. The icing on top? My 4 year old gets reprimanded for not following directions from Daddy and proceeds to launch into a 20 minute screaming melt down. I felt so conflicted. Do I stay to get the family on track and give my husband an extra set of hands OR do I selfishly leave in the middle of chaos and put myself first! I ran out the door to the garage to jump in the car!
Yep, fortunately I chose me and I am so glad I did. My Mommy Break this week was at a pop up Pound class at a local park district. This was my first Pound fitness class experience. The workout was intense and I pounded out all of my stress through those rip sticks! Although my coordination and rhythm was questionable throughout the entire class, I was having fun. Through each strike, my 4 year old screaming "Mommy I miss you don't leave" quickly faded away. The icing on top: I return home, the kids are sleep and my husband is cleaning the kitchen. Can you say #winning. So glad that I chose me! I hope that you will do the same one hour this week.
Mommy Break Lesson Learned: The sky is not going to fall if I put myself first. It may feel like it in the moment but its oftentimes temporary. You will be mad at yourself for succumbing to the pressures of home.
Mommy Break Tip: Trying new fitness classes allows you to decompress, connect with other Moms, and release the endorphins you need to conquer whatever is waiting for you when you return. Not sure how to find fun classes. Apps like Class Pass could be a good first step.
Mommy Chore Tip: Slicing vegetables may appear to be a straight forward task but don't be fooled. That 10 minutes you are slicing and dicing, you could be doing lunch prep or helping to wrap up homework. Never underestimate the power of meal prep big or small.
Week #1 of 52, Mommy Break #1 of 52, I Happy Mommy Excited About the Journey!