The Mommy Break Project

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Week #28: Mommy Break #28 of 52 - Toasts and Tats

This week’s mommy break took place at one of my favorite events of the year:  Wine Riot.  Wine Riot is an interactive, educational, and fun wine tasting event where you can taste over 100 wines.  The event is so much fun!  Between the wine stations, food vendors, product samples, temporary tattoos and photo booths, as well as educational “crash courses”, the event stimulates all of your senses.    If you are a wine drinker it is 3 hours of bliss… if you are not a wine drinker… not the event for you. I love the event so much that I was going to be committed with or without a friend rain or shine.  I would say that I left the event with a more refined pale buttt…. after 3 hours of wine tasting it all tastes good.   I enjoyed toasting with my girlfriend and getting my peacock tattoo

Sidebar: The weather was rainy and gross all day Saturday, killing the motivation for a few of my friends… thank God for Uber and good thing it was not an outdoor event (smile)

Do you have an event or activity that you will do no matter if you are with a group of friends or rolling solo?  Its important … because bad weather happens, flaky friends happen, sick children happen, work projects and a myriad of other barriers that can put your mommy break to a screeching halt. It’s imperative that you do!  This journey has helped me realize that sometimes you have to know how to have fun with or without someone to enjoy all of your mommy breaks.  You also need a “by any means necessary” mentality when it comes to taking time for yourself.  If you don’t, your me-time will always be re-prioritized to more pressing “mommy matters”.